They say that dogs are man’s best friend, so it’s no surprise that the pet services and events here at Union on Queen are a major selling point for the complex. But sometimes Spot needs a bit of extra-special fresh air and maybe even a few new friends. Or, if you don’t have a dog of your own, you might be looking for some DIY pup therapy. In either case, Gulf Branch Nature Center & Park can help.
One of the most significant points of interest for Arlington dog lovers here is the Canine Community Area at Fort Ethan Allen Park. Along with Globe Park and the Gulf Branch Natural Area, it makes for plenty of outdoor space for you and your pup to socialize or decompress. No pet of your own to bring to the park? Hit the trails for a bit of nature and smile at the puppies you pass.
If you are bringing your own dog along, be sure to be a responsible pet owner. Gulf Branch rules require keeping your pet on-leash and under control, and cleaning up after him as appropriate. But, most of all, make sure you both are ready to have a great time!